Latest Posts for Emergency
9 Critical Features for Incident Management Systems
Molde Casualty Clinic goes live with cloud-based Omda AMIS solution
Omda Initiates procurement process to identify single map-engine supplier for Emergency portfolio
8 Innovative Emergency Response Technologies in 2024
Omda Emergency Prepares For The Future
Omda Collaborates with AI Experts to Develop New Dispatch Assist Solution
Omda Paratus and Optima Conclude Innovative Cross-Platform Pilot
What Is NG112 Technology? Exploring Next-Gen Solutions for Emergency Medical Services
Omda Announces a New Contract with Valencia 112 to Develop Police Tool 2.0
Customer Case: Hato Hone St John, New Zealand and Omda Readiness
US emergency medical services provider MedStar chooses Omda Optima Predict
New knowledge base improves on-the-go decision making for paramedics
Omda customer case: The South Central Ambulance Service
Omda customer case: The Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust