Omda Emergency Prepares For The Future

For Omda Emergency, the transition from CSAM to Omda in September was a moment to reflect on the past and prepare for the future. While our new identity brings together the entire Omda organisation, uniting us behind a shared vision and common goals, it also involves careful consideration of how each business area can best pursue those aims and fulfil that vision.

With this in mind, we wanted to use this opportunity to look at how Omda Emergency will embrace our new Smarter Ways vision, and what the Omda rebrand means for our particular product portfolio.

Understanding Omda Emergency

Omda Emergency delivers innovative and specialised digital solutions to emergency response organisations around the world. With our presence in Europe, the Pacific region and North America, Omda Emergency products help frontline workers, back-office staff and management teams make informed decisions, guarantee patient safety, streamline communications and maximise the value of available resources.

The Omda Emergency product portfolio includes several ground-breaking solutions. From industry-leading simulation software that enables organisations to model operational decisions, optimise resource allocation and determine long-term strategy to fully integrated 112 emergency response platforms that facilitate call-taking, communication, case handling and dispatch, we cover the entire emergency response chain.

Overcoming customer challenges

Our transition to Omda centres on a new ‘Smarter Ways’ vision that emphasises the development of ‘Smarter Ways to a safe and healthy world’. We cannot hope to achieve this without first understanding the critical challenges emergency responders face. Our specialised technologies focus on providing solutions to these specific challenges, helping customers overcome budgetary pressures, the demands placed on stretched workforces and the evolution of emergency response technologies.

We believe we can resolve many of these challenges by adopting a Smarter Ways approach and ensuring Omda technology enables efficiencies. Whether that means optimising resource distribution with strategic planning tools or streamlining emergency care processes for paramedics, Omda solutions can help improve performance across every aspect of the emergency response system.

Leading from the front

Working smarter also opens up new possibilities and opportunities for emergency response organisations. The data accumulated through Omda solutions provides a statistical, scientific foundation on which to ground operational and strategic decisions. It also ensures organisations are equipped with compelling data-based evidence when making resource projections or discussing funding arrangements.

At Omda, we recognise that our solutions’ success depends on the expertise of those who shape, develop and utilise them. As we move forward, we will leverage that expertise to greater effect, fostering stronger relationships with customer teams through our analysts and product teams, building partnerships with forward-thinking organisations, and nurturing our unique blend of operational experience and software development prowess.

Smarter Ways in action

For Omda Emergency, Smarter Ways means introducing technology that enables emergency responders to move more quickly, efficiently and safely. It means developing features like our Continuous Operations, which facilitates a zero-downtime environment and seamless system upgrades and maintenance by creating and running parallel systems.

It means utilising automation and Machine Learning technologies to clean emergency response workflows of inefficient, time-consuming tasks, allowing operators and responders to focus their full attention on those moments where advanced human intervention is most critical to patient outcomes.

It means providing organisations with the ability to utilise new multimedia channels to capture information that assists decision-makers, provides a more comprehensive picture of incidents and guarantees accuracy.

Omda embraces NG112

Over the coming years, the Next Generation 112 initiative (NG112) and the development of a standardised European architecture will influence technology deployment in many emergency response organisations. Omda is committed to working according to the EENA vision, contributing to the development of standardised services and protocols that ensure seamless access to emergency services throughout the EU and provide a blueprint for development elsewhere in the world.

We believe multimedia emergency response support will enrich the information and data available to organisations, enabling faster and more accurate decision-making that will save lives. NG112 architecture will improve access for all, guarantee greater transparency and cooperation between EU emergency services, and enable organisations to leverage new technologies and means of communication. As a result, it will play a significant role in how we develop and implement our solutions in the future.

Cloud technology is coming

Considerable opportunities are also already emerging with respect to cloud technology. It has the potential to transform the way we deliver and scale solutions, opening up markets and enabling us to reach out to new customers. By facilitating flexible deployment, cloud technology will enable broader market coverage and the development of cost-effective solutions for a wider variety of organisations.

Cloud technology eliminates many of the prohibitive costs associated with technology deployment in the emergency sector. It does not require expensive digital infrastructure or a highly skilled IT support department and allows for quick and easy scaling as organisations grow and their needs evolve. As such, cloud technology will be an increasingly important aspect of Omda product development in the future.

Omda is shaping the future of emergency response

As we transition to Omda, it is a fantastic opportunity to reaffirm what made CSAM successful and lay out what we need to do to fulfil our promise and cement our position as a leading provider of digital emergency response solutions. In this respect, our Smarter Ways vision is the perfect North Star.

Omda Emergency is developing, refining and expanding a broad and leading portfolio of emergency response platforms and modelling tools. But there is so much more we can do. By focusing our attention on the unique challenges our customers face, we will provide highly specialised solutions that enable them to do more with less, provide better care for patients, and clear pathways for future technological innovation and adoption.

Johan Hedensiö
Executive Vice President, Emergency

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Helen Døcker
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
She is based in the company’s headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

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