Omda XDS

Patient data storage

A complete solution for patient data storage and management

Omda XDS is a central archive for storing and managing clinical patient data with no limitations on file size or content. It consists of four parts: the archival modules XDS Registry and XDS Repository which are populated and accessed by the front-end components XDS Source and XDS Consumer.

Together, these form a complete system for data storage and management, fully conforming to the IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) standard.

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Its component solutions facilitate secure data sharing between clinical departments and institutions across any type of data.

Data management is core to the success and advancement of modern medicine, and Omda XDS is the next-generation solution that is helping lay the foundations for that future.

Efficiencies that drive down costs and improve patient outcomes

Omda XDS enhances the healthcare experience for patients by ensuring that all of their medical information is available to every healthcare provider they see. The platform promotes joined-up care. It enhances safety by enabling reliable patient identification and giving healthcare professionals intuitive access to real-time critical data.

By centralising patient information, Omda XDS eliminates the need for the manual duplication of data in a patient’s file across different systems. More importantly, it drastically cuts the risk of patient information being incomplete or out of date.

There are efficiency savings. Healthcare professionals spend less time on administrative tasks – time they can now spend caring for patients. Omda XDS also eliminates the duplication of referrals, examinations, and tests, leading to significant cost savings for providers.

Seamless integrations – internally and with third parties

Omda XDS is a vendor neutral archive that integrates with a variety of third-party products, delivering simple and cost-effective interoperability between suppliers. It offers exceptional flexibility and local adaptation for users.

The system’s XDS-I profile integrates with existing Picture Archive Communication Systems (PACS) within a hospital, clinic, or organisation, enabling long-term storage and use. It allows healthcare providers to store, access, and view all referrals, images, and reports with ease.

Scalability that supports customer needs

The Omda XDS platform is built with the most modern technology available. It is optimised for performance and able to handle huge amounts of data. The system can be scaled horizontally with no downtime to handle an increasing workload and many concurrent users. It is suitable for organisations of any size and scalable enough to act as an archive on a national level.

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The system provides long-term storage based on well-known, reliable industry standards. It can also play a fundamental role in enabling organisations to gradually move towards a layered architecture by replacing one direct connection at a time.

How the core components work together

Omda XDS Repository and Omda XDS Registry make up the XDS archive. By using these components together as a single product, installation and monitoring are significantly more efficient, and costs are reduced with the sharing of hardware resources. 

Omda XDS Repository is the primary storage area for patient medical information and documents. The central feature of the Omda XDS Repository is the ability to store incredibly large amounts of data or information, including HD/4K video and pathology slides.

Omda XDS Registry is an index service, containing data and the location of all the documents in the installation. It provides a standard search interface for finding and accessing the data stored in the repository.

The XDS archive is populated and accessed by the two other components of Omda XDS Suite: Source and Consumer.

Omda XDS Source consists of several stand-alone products that supply the XDS archive with documents. Omda offers several XDS source products, including its Omda Medialab solution.

Omda XDS Consumer is a stand-alone solution that enables users to search and read data stored in the XDS archive quickly and easily. Its user-friendly interface and functionality make it simple for healthcare professionals to find and access the data they need at the point of care.

The Omda XDS Consumer module also ensures the safety and security of confidential patient data. The system is built using a stack of authentication modules requiring users to be authenticated by one or several modules before accessing patient information.

Omda XDS Suite includes an extensive performance and monitoring tool for administrators to monitor historical performance and response times of the system.

Why Omda XDS Suite?

  • Legacy data sources are consolidated in a single archive
  • Removes need to manually input or duplicate patient information across systems
  • Patient data is up to date across all systems and healthcare touchpoints
  • Support for “standard” data such as X-ray or MRI scans as well as specialised images
  • No limit on amount of data, scalable to support large health regions and national archives
  • Intuitive interface gives healthcare professionals quick access to patient data at the point of care

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Svein-Harald Utgård
Business Area Manager – Connected Imaging
He is based in the company’s office in Tromsø, Norway.

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