Omda Arcidis
Integrated teleradiology system
Integrated system for teleradiology
Omda Arcidis is a simple, fast, and integrated system for the teleradiology domain. The system can be tailored to a customer’s needs, offering a fully integrated solution for large radiology institutes carrying high volumes of data, or as a cost-effective, stand-alone application for smaller centres.
Handle large amounts of data with ease

With Omda Arcidis, an 80-150mb MRI can be encrypted, compressed, and transferred between a radiology institute and a radiologist in less than a minute. Radiological images and corresponding patient data are fetched from a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) and Radiology Information System (RIS) via the system’s integration module and can be sent to a chosen customer where the data is automatically imported into the receiving customer’s solution.
Improve workflow efficiency
Omda Arcidis has been designed with the end-user in mind so great emphasis was placed on creating a simple and efficient workflow. The system makes it easy to select what information to send and to whom, freeing up healthcare professionals to spend more time with their patients.
Share sensitive patient data with confidence

The Omda Arcidis transport service is a unique, proprietary, and patented transport agent that enables authentication, packaging, encryption, compression, distribution, prioritising, and validation of information and data. The solution was developed based on requirements from the Norwegian Data Protection Authority for the safe handling of patient information.
All data is end-to-end encrypted and unique encryption keys are assigned for each organisation (sender/recipient). The Omda Arcidis transport service is a compliant and safe way to share large volumes of sensitive patient information on both the Norwegian National Health Network (Norsk Helsenett) and the Internet.
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