The Omda approach
Omda software is an integral part of the clinical care processes of healthcare providers and in enabling emergency responders to enhance public safety. It is mission-critical to our customers, whose work is concerned with many aspects of supporting and saving lives. Sustainability is today intrinsic with our entire approach to business operations, as with those of our customers and suppliers.
Green alert
Omda’s digital services and solutions are built to support enhanced resource management and optimisation across all the healthcare and emergency value chains we serve. They raise operational efficiency, reduce the use of paper and other consumables, and cut the need for professional travel by orders of magnitude. Internal sustainability initiatives include recycling, sustainable purchasing, and awareness of energy usage.

Socially sensitive
Through our many software solutions Omda seeks to optimise our social contribution. Health and emergency services cannot be efficient without robust and powerful data management tools; both fields are essential aspects of a society that values the lives and welfare of its citizens. Our business objectives harmonise directly with being a responsible partner to the communities our customers look after. We act towards all with integrity, whether customers, employees, business partners and shareholders, as well as by extension the wider social context.
Safe and secure
The safety and security of working tools and systems are key concerns in healthcare and related life-critical domains. Our customers choose Omda software because these are built-in dimensions of all our solutions. Data security and patient confidentiality are protected to standards compliant with those mandated by GDPR.

Equal opportunities and diversity
Omda offers all employees equal opportunities regardless of the colour of skin, gender, age, nationality, religion, ethnicity, disability, or other distinguishing characteristics. The company encourages inclusivity and opposes any form of unfair discrimination or harassment.
Workers rights
Omda recognises the right of employees to form or join trade unions in accordance with each country’s laws and principles.
Working environment
Omda workplaces are safe and sound. Each business area and local operation is responsible for ensuring work is done in ways that obviate all risk of injury or ill health to employees. The same applies to our solutions, which are tested for usability and other safety-related parameters. As an employer we comply with national and local rules on keeping workers informed of safety protocols and we know this to be true of our upstream and downstream partners.
Life work balance
Omda strives to offer all employees flexible options to manage their work and private life. Our leave arrangements, home office solutions, part-time positions and other flexible work arrangements all support this objective.

Proactive Governance
Omda’s corporate governance policy is based on the Norwegian Corporate Governance Code in accordance with NUES the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance (“Norsk anbefaling for eierstyring og selskapsledelse”), issued by the Norwegian Corporate Governance Board and most recently revised on 14 October 2021. Omda AS is incorporated and registered in Norway and is subject to Norwegian law.
Omda managers insist on honesty, integrity and fairness in all aspects of our own business and expect the same of all with whom we do business.
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