Omda Optima

Optimise resources and improve operational planning with intelligent modelling

Omda Optima Predict enables emergency organisations to test resource distribution and operational strategy using comprehensive digital simulations. A best-in-class modelling solution, it facilitates detailed comparisons between historical data and simulated events across almost any aspect of performance. In doing so, it provides valuable insight into operational decisions’ real world consequences before you implement them in a live environment.

From ambulance crew shift patterns to the distribution of emergency service bases, Omda Optima Predict empowers decision-makers by providing data-driven insights into key performance determinants.

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Versatile modelling for modern emergency services

Omda Optima Predict reveals the likely impact of internal and external factors on your ability to meet targets and guarantee patient safety. Whether you want to better understand how changes to dispatch procedures affect service delivery or develop a comprehensive, evidence-based pandemic response plan, you can model almost any scenario.

Extracting maximum value from available resources

Omda Optima Predict offers solutions to complex resourcing issues, such as vehicle mix, base location and posting behaviour. Simulation results can be compared with historical performance data using Predict’s powerful visualisation tools and utilised as compelling evidence for further investment in resources.

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A new perspective on emergency planning

Historically, operational decisions were made on anything from a hunch to expensive and potentially dangerous real-world trials. Omda Optima Predict allows you to put tried and tested mathematical modelling at the heart of your decision-making processes, eliminating the guesswork and giving you greater control over every aspect of operational planning.

Experience, expertise and world-leading insight

Omda Optima Predict benefits from the Omda team’s extensive emergency response experience. Working closely alongside customers around the globe, our analysts understand the challenges modern emergency services face and regularly exchange expertise, ideas and modelling best-practices. The result is a powerful simulation platform backed by a community of innovative emergency service providers and informed by the latest data-driven modelling techniques.

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Johan Hedensiö
EVP – Emergency
He is based in the company’s office in Gothenburg, Sweden.

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