Stock Information
Omda is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, Euronext Growth (OMDA).
Euronext Growth
Euronext Growth (Merkur Market) offers companies and their owners one of the fastest admission processes in Europe. The time between Oslo Børs receiving an application and the company being admitted to trading can be around one to two weeks. Since Euronext Growth (Merkur Market) is an MTF, both the admission requirements and the continuing reporting obligations following admission are simpler and less comprehensive than for companies listed on Oslo Børs and Oslo Axess.
Stock Price:
All information related to share price development, trade volumes and more can be found on Omda’s page on Euronext (OMDA).
Stock Exchange Notices:
All stock exchange notices can be found on Oslo Børs NewsWeb.
Omda is audited by PwC.
Omda’s admission document can be found on Oslo Børs NewsWeb.
Tax value of shares
The following tax value for the Omda share is to be used in the tax return for 2024:
For shareholders in Omda AS, the tax value as of December 31, 2024 is NOK 3,057 per share.
This tax value is to be used by both individual shareholders and those who own shares through a company/corporate investors. The pre-filled values in the tax return for 2024 must be removed and replaced with the tax share value indicated here on this page.
The following tax value for the Omda share is to be used in the tax return for 2023:
For shareholders in Omda AS, the tax value as of December 31, 2023 is NOK 3,208 per share.
This tax value is to be used by both individual shareholders and those who own shares through a company/corporate investors. The pre-filled values in the tax return for 2023 must be removed and replaced with the tax share value indicated here on this page
Tax values for use in the tax return for 2022 are:
For corporate investors/those who own shares through a company the tax value as of December 31, 2022 is to be used: NOK 2,90 per share. For individual shareholders, the tax value as of December 31, 2021 is to be used: NOK 6,23 per share.
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