Cultivating an exciting growth trajectory within the global eHealth solutions market

It can be challenging to find information that really tells you about a company: How does the company see the future? What is it like to work there? Who are the people who work there?

We had a chat with Omda CEO, Sverre Flatby, to talk about what makes up Omda.

Listed on the Norwegian stock exchange and headquartered in Oslo, the company calls itself “The leading provider of specialist eHealth solutions in the Nordics, pan-Europe and beyond”. So, what’s it all about?

– “We have become a leader in delivering specialised clinical solutions to hospitals, and have expanded our portfolio to include leading software solutions within emergency response. This type of health software is used by specialized personnel assisting patients at key points in treatment or an emergency response process, says Sverre.

Sverre Flatby, CSAM CEO
The computer engineer who, together with Norway’s National Hospital (Rikshospitalet), was a founder of Omda in 2005.

We started out as a Norwegian company and have grown into an international player with offices 10 countries spread across Europe, Asia, and North America. That includes a wholly owned software engineering subsidiary in the Philippines, shares Sverre. 95 % of our customers are public hospitals, and currently the largest percent of our colleagues work in Sweden, where we also currently have the most customers – but that is changing rapidly as we expand.

Sverre explains that eHealth solutions from Omda are similar in the sense that they are specialist-oriented and support a wide range of clinical areas. What they have in common is that they help patients during important milestones in their lives.

– One example is eHealth care for pregnancy and childbirth, which are specialty areas for Omda. Our solutions assist health professionals in making the right decisions to ensure the best possible health for the expectant mother and newborn. We also offer solutions for clinics that help those wishing to start a family and may need assistance.

– If you call your local emergency number, we have solutions that help operators save lives. With our emergency response solutions, Omda covers over 45 million citizens in Europe. In addition, we have solutions for ambulance personnel. We provide many specialty solutions and one more example is a comprehensive solution that simplifies the administration of blood samples, cells and tissues – from donation to transfusion or transplant – a blood bank solution, to put it simply. These are just a sample of what our software does to help people every day.

International and pleasant working environment

– First, we work with things that make a difference. We are involved in solving a social mission. The second is that we have a “fun at work” mantra and strategy. It should be fun to work here, even if we work with something that is important for people’s health, and serious, says Sverre.

It is about working on the border of social responsibility and commercialism – doing good things while doing good business. Making money is not necessarily what drives the people of Omda, but first and foremost it is about working with solutions that help people and their health.

– Most of our employees have either a health professional or technological background.

Sverre also emphasizes that Omda has diversity in the workplace – in the true sense of the word.

– This is how we have worked for a long time; we are multi-country driven with English as our main language, and we feel that we are a home for all types of people. We focus on talent and in the case that if we do not snatch the talented, someone else will.

The eHealth industry is growing. Omda itself has experienced rapid growth by acquiring other companies and solutions that complement its solutions portfolio. Sverre presents some very interesting figures:

– At the end of 2020, we were 170 employees, now we are 270 as of October, 2021. Turnover has increased from NOK 50 million in 2015 to approx. over 300 million NOK this year. Omda’s goal is to reach 600 employees and a turnover of NOK 1 billion by 2025.

Sverre Flatby
Chief Executive Officer

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Helen Døcker
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer
She is based in the company’s headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

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