Announcement of launch of share buyback program

On 27 September 2023, CSAM Health Group AS changed its name to Omda AS. For articles on historical events such as transactions, financial results etc. we will not retroactively change the name.

30 November 2022: CSAM Health Group AS (the «Company») has decided to proceed with the buyback of up to 666,666 of its own shares in accordance with the authorization granted to the board of directors by the Company’s general meeting held on 19 May 2022 as arranged for by the written bondholders’ resolution, announced on 26 October 2022, allowing such buyback.

The share buyback program will be for a maximum consideration of NOK 20 million, and for a maximum of 666,666 shares. The repurchases will be conducted in the period from 30 November 2022 until and including the day before the Issuer’s Annual General Meeting in 2023, or until the maximum number of shares have been repurchased. Buyback transactions will be executed according to the market price on the Oslo Stock Exchange, and the maximum price to be paid per share under the program is NOK 60.

Shares acquired as part of the buyback program are intended to be used as consideration in future acquisitions by the company. Any shares purchased will be held in treasury until used for the above purposes.

The number of shares acquired per day shall not exceed the number of shares representing 25% of the average daily volume in the 20 trading days preceding the date of the purchase. This limit is in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) requirements as described in Article 3 of the EU Commission delegated regulation 2016/1052, and as implemented in Norway under the Securities Trading Act.

The program will be managed by Carnegie AS, which will make its trading decisions in relation to the acquisition of shares independently of, and uninfluenced by, the Company.

For further information, please contact:
Einar Bonnevie
Chief Financial Officer
+47 91 55 45 32

About CSAM
CSAM Health Group is the leading provider of specialised software for healthcare in the Nordics. From this solid foundation the company has grown to serve more than 500 customers in 25 countries. Our highly specialised software solutions are instrumental in the clinical care processes of healthcare providers and in enabling emergency responders to enhance public safety. CSAM’s headquarters are in Oslo, Norway. CSAM has more than 300 dedicated specialists in ten countries across Europe, Asia, Oceania and North America, including a wholly-owned software engineering subsidiary in the Philippines.

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Einar Bonnevie
Chief Financial Officer

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Svere Flatby
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He is based in the company’s headquarters in Oslo, Norway.

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